Incyte Corporation, et al. v. Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., et al.

Analysis Group was retained to work with Incyte Corporation, the plaintiff in a patent infringement case against Sun Pharmaceutical Industries. Incyte, maker of Jakafi, approved for certain oncology indications, alleged that the pending launch of Leqselvi, Sun Pharmaceutical’s deuruxolitinib treatment for certain dermatology indications, would infringe one of Incyte’s patents. Incyte sought a preliminary injunction to halt the launch of Leqselvi.

An Analysis Group team led by Vice President Shogo Hamasaki and Manager Jason Doran supported Managing Principal John Jarosz, who submitted several expert declarations. His declarations addressed irreparable harm, balance of hardships, and public interest related to Leqselvi’s launch.

In granting Incyte’s request for a preliminary injunction, a judge in the US District Court for the District of New Jersey cited Mr. Jarosz’s declarations regarding – among other things – an improper head-start advantage that Sun would obtain relative to future Incyte products, irreparably harming Incyte shipments and prices.