Competition Drives Rapid Growth in California Communications Market

White Paper, February 2017

A study by Analysis Group Senior Advisor David Sosa for the technology advocacy group CALinnovates shows tremendous growth in the California communications market, spurred by Californians' enthusiasm for broadband and wireless technologies.

Among the study's findings:

  • Consumer demand for wireless voice and VoIP increased by 29% between 2008 and 2015.
  • Almost half of Californians depend wholly on wireless services to communicate, up from 21% in 2009.
  • The widespread adoption of broadband- and IP-based services has meant a corresponding drop in demand for older technologies such as traditional landlines.

A principal driver behind the explosive growth in technology, the study found, has been competition among telecommunications companies. This competition has offered customers greater choice, improved access to services, and driven prices down. Over time, this competition will continue to deliver market growth and consumer adoption of new technologies, according to the study.

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Sosa D