Eliana Garces

Senior Advisor
Eliana Garces

Brussels, Washington, DC


Ph.D., economics, University of California, Los Angeles; master’s, European economic integration, College of Europe, Bruges; licentiate, economics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Summary of Experience

Dr. Garces is an economist with deep public- and private-sector antitrust policy and regulation experience in the US and Europe, including serving in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP) and Directorate-General for Internal Market and Industry. Her consulting and case work experience includes mergers and conduct cases in the telecommunications, media, industrial, consumer staples, and technology sectors. She has corporate experience at a large technology company and is widely recognized as an expert on the economic analysis of new digital business models, as well as on regulation in innovative sectors. Dr. Garces has published extensively on topics such as the antitrust analysis of commercial practices, the assessment of conglomerate mergers, the interaction between antitrust and privacy, value creation processes in platform businesses, and behavioral economics. She is also a coauthor of the widely used book Quantitative Techniques for Competition and Antitrust Analysis.

