
Principal, New York

Why did you choose to join Analysis Group?
I had worked with Keith Ugone for several years at another firm, doing litigation support work. When he opened the Dallas office of Analysis Group, I was thrilled and decided to join. I had researched Analysis Group on the web and was impressed with the credentials of the professionals, the business model of providing in-house expert testimony and working with top academics, and the interesting issues AG teams addressed on engagements.
What was it like transferring offices?
I transferred to Analysis Group’s New York office after spending eight years in the Dallas office to be closer to my husband’s family. The mix of cases I had worked on in Dallas is slightly different from that in New York. While I was in Dallas, I worked on patent infringement, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, and a few securities matters. In contrast, there are more finance and securities cases in the mix after I came to New York. The transition was at times challenging because I had to quickly get up to speed on materials in areas I was less familiar with, and actively contribute to the engagement. However, all through this process, I received strong support from the managing principals and everybody around me. The collaborative environment and the people-focused culture are definitely part of the reasons I have been with the firm for more than 10 years.
How do you build a career path at Analysis Group?
Analysis Group is the one place I can say with 100-percent confidence that good work is rewarded. When I started at Analysis Group, all I was focusing on was working hard, learning from the incredibly intelligent people around me, and building skill sets that would allow me to contribute to all aspects of a case. As a result, I was given more responsibilities and opportunities to manage engagements and client relationships. The advice I would give to new employees is to be curious, treating everything you do as a learning experience and striving to be an integral part of the engagement team.
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Na  Dawson

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